is SECOND PHASE in course of Install WardPress in Localhost. To run WordPress in Offline are needed install XAMPP beforehand. Some steps must Anda conduct to conduct penginstallan till XAMPP can be accessed offline in local computer or in computer Anda.

Steps for menginstall Xampp in computer Anda shall be as follows:

  1. Open result download Xampp Anda that already Anda download and keep in computer local.
  2. Two-time click application [Xamp Installer] to start process early installasi.
  3. Emerge window ‘Installer Language’, select just language [English] later, click [O.K.].
  4. Emerge window ‘Welcome to the XAMPP 1.5.5 Setup Wizards’, later, click [Next].
  5. At window ‘Choose Install Location’, determine where install Xampp will be placed in Anda local computer, if already later, click [Next]. Writer uses example in directory [My Computer] > [Drive C].
  6. At window ‘XAMPP Option’ :
    • Say the word centang ( v ) at [Create a XAMPP desktop icon].
    • Say the word centang ( v ) at [Create an Apache Xampp folder in the start menus].
    • Don’t say the word centang ( v ) at [Install Apache ace service], [Install ace MySQL servise] and [Install Filezilla ace servise]. So that when you animate computer Anda, Xampp not walks automatically as a service.
    • Later, knob click [Install].
  7. Await till process install finishes, after bar status install reaches 100%, let just because system will activate php.exe and MySQL database to ascertain server system has been installed and worked properly.
  8. If process this instal succeeds, then will emerge window ‘Completting the XAMPP 1.5.5. Setup Wizard’. Please Anda knob click [Finish].
  9. Come up with this phase process install finishes, but server Xampp will check ports service that required by server to give local server service. Let just and Anda awaits a few seconds
  10. After pengecekkan port finishes, emerge window ‘Service installation finished! Hint: Use also the XAMPP Control Panel to manage service’, later, Anda knob click [O.K.].
  11. Emerge window ‘XAMPP Control Panel’, if Anda will run Xampp control panel depresses [only] [Yes]. If not depress just knob [No].
  12. Subject:…!!! That is process install Xampp Anda already komplit and 100% succeed.